Mushroom Growing Care Guide
Those growing mushroom for the first time or in high amount for their business needs to pay a little attention to make sure that they are growing perfectly. However, following a good care guide help them grow mushrooms perfectly. Some common things that must be paid attention to when growing mushrooms are:-
Placement and sunlight:-
While growing mushrooms at our home or for our small business, many of us just keep our focus towards their growth. We never think about their placement and the amount of sunlight they are getting. But for the good and timely growth of the mushrooms, each grower needs to understand the sunlight and placement requirement properly.
Make sure you will not place your mushrooms in direct sunlight. Mushrooms are much different from other fruits and plants. They do not need sunlight for their growth. For successful fruiting, it is better to keep your mushroom in dim light, at least for a couple of hours.
Mushrooms need a particular temperature for good growth. Each type of mushroom takes a different time to grow and needs a different type of temperature. However, generally, they require a humid area. They grow best when are kept in a place with humid conditions.
The temperature they require for growth is not more than 70 degrees (Fahrenheit). Before growing them in your home, it is better to check the indoor temperature of different places. Make sure you will set your mushroom kit in the area where the temperature is around 70 degrees.
Sufficient watering:-
Just like proper lighting and temperature, mushrooms also require sufficient watering for their growth. Some growers never pay attention to the mushroom watering and end up over-watering the mushrooms. Also, make sure not to soak your mushrooms in water. When you soak the mushroom they just absorb too much moisture which is not good for their growth. To get the desired results, you can also cover your mushroom box or kit with a coating of burlap. Keeping them covered helps to keep the air moist as per the mushroom requirement.
Pest control:-
Another thing that requires high attention when growing mushrooms is the pest. Just like other plants and vegetables, mushrooms also remain prone to pest and diseases damage. This makes it important for the growers to keep control of both. To grow pest and disease-free mushrooms, the best way is to use and maintain your indoor mushroom fruiting chambers. Make sure the mushroom growing kit you will use for the process is of good quality. Proper pasteurization, as well as sanitation of the soil before growing the mushrooms, must also be done to prevent the risk of pests & disease. This will help you keep control of Phorid Fly, Nematodes, Cecid Fly, Sciarid Fly, Spider Mites, and other pests that are usually responsible for damaging the mushrooms and affecting their growth.
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